Wild birds in your garden

Just a wee update on this one

Bird Watch result 2015

Feeder Robin

Well hello there Spring, I have the windows in the office open and all I can hear is the beautiful sound of singing birds

Here I have set up a bird feeder that I can see on a daily basis easily and so the birds have cover from any cats in the area (we have 3 know resident cats).

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I have been on the RSPB website but I was not in time to do the Big Garden Birdwatch so I am now doing my own (I am having to look up many of the birds as I have a limited knowledge of them)

Here is are useful links to read

Bird identifier

Feeding garden birds RSPB 

For me feeding the birds and watching them in the garden is great, I am so luckly I live in such a great place and I have access to the countryside so easily, I am sure there are many of you out there who do not, well don't fear use a window box feeder and this might bring the birds to you.

Don't forget that they need water all year round so if you have a bowl out remember to crack the ice if you are still getting a frost.

Here are some of my pictures from today (as soon as I got my camera out they all became very shy...) As you can see I have a rather fat wee Robin who must live on fat balls....

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I also had a helper who could not see over the window cil and got a wee bit frustrated ..

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I will keep you up to date on the bird watching as the seasons go on.