Spring time Moveable enclosure


Well Hello sun..... we today for us at least ( some of you who I speak to have been blessed with a lot more than us )

Here we are going to chat about keeping animals in a moveable enclosure, I am looking at Sheep, pigs and cows.

Keeping them where you want them:

Electric fencing is a highly effective way of containing or strip grazing your animals and/or splitting up existing fields. A visible and easily moveable three line fence provides strip-grazing when it is erected across fields. So why would we move animals around? It enables pastures to be rested, de-wormed and properly grazed and it can also be used to keep pigs away from specific areas or to separate incompatible animals.


download (1)

Using the 3 lines with sheep will enable you to change the heights to suit lambs and sheep. You can also use the reels as strip grazing or as a field boundary line or protect your lambing area with ease.


Pigs secure behind movable electric fencing

I think people think pigs are very dirty stinky animals but that is not true (although at the moment whilst they are spreading on the fields I am not loving pigs…) Yes pigs like to wallow in the mud (much like my dog……)but it is very healthy for a pig to do this, it cools them down and keeps bugs and bacteria at bay.

While it is well accepted knowledge that pigs wallow in mud in order to regulate body temperature and keep cool, but did you know it is also for their wellbeing. So a happy pig has food and water, shelter with bedding, a wallowing hole, a place to forage and interaction from humans.


strip grazing for sheep

As the new stock are coming out into the fresh grass some for the 1st time, I love the bucking and farting around they do so nice to see them with grass under their feet,we look to pasture manage so we can prolong the grazing this kit will in able you yo do this with ease


Here are some of our Kits:

1) Standard Strip Grazing
The standard 3 line strip grazing kit comprises of polywire and twenty 85cms (3’) tread-in plastic posts and will cover a distance of max 160m. There is a choice of battery or mains driven energisers and both kits come with a complete set of instructions.

If your land is particularly uneven, or you do not have a wooden securing fence post already in place, then we advise that you add two steel corner/end posts to the fence line. These posts act as secure and strong anchors and provide additional tensioning and stability. We also recommend the use of wooden intermediate/corner posts; they provide security and stability to the fence.

Grazing for sheep

Battery Powered Sheep Netting Kit - 50m x 0.85m (orange)

Mains Powered Sheep Netting Kit - 50m x 0.85m (orange)

160m Strip Grazing Kit Options for pigs

Battery operated 

Solar operated 

Mains operated 

Strip grazing kits for cattle

Battery Operated Kit - 100m

Strip Grazing Battery Operated Kit - 200m

2)  3 Reel System kit
The 3 Reel System is a practical and flexible way of keeping in pigs, protecting hedges and walls and sub dividing fields. The 3 reels come complete and packaged in one carton with wire pre-wound on the reels for easy installation.

The 3 Reel System is one of the most secure and strong fence systems available yet is also one of the most user friendly and easy to maintain. Three reel systems are very portable and enable easy storage.

They come in

250 meters polywire with Energiser

250 meters polywire without Energiser

400 meters Galvanised wire,

500 meters polywire,

Premium 3 Reel System - 500m 9 Strand Polywire with Geared Reels

The 3 Reel System Kit contents

Fencing reels (wire spooled on)
Galvanised wire or  Polywire
Fencing posts
End system posts
Reel fixing post
Warning sign
Comprehensive instructions

For variations of the 3 reel system please call us to discuss. We can tailor bespoke systems to your exact needs.


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