Is This Really Spring Weather?

Spring – Has it Sprung Yet?

So, what do the weather techies and scientists say about this year’s spring weather? Well you might be surprised... or again, you might not.

The National Met office say that we are now seeing a Growth Season for plants that’s around a full month longer than in 1990! Wow that sounds an awful lot to me. That surely must be good news ? -  but unfortunately it will also favour crop pests and diseases too..  For more details on how the weather is affecting plant growth and the environment click here and here.

However on an evergreen topic for farmers, in the UK grass growth has been slow this spring but the good news is that grass growth is now picking up at last, hurray!! (interesting fact for today: did you know that it needs to be above 6 degrees centigrade for grass to grow?) See here and here for more info on grass growth this year.

And more good news: the European Commissions are predicting good crop yield forecasts on winter crops and spring sowings, hurray! see  here for more info

So the effect of tour spring weather on plant growth seems to have been a bit of a mixed bag then... but whatever the weather, as you walk around Spring seems to certainly have Sprung and the animals (human and otherwise) and plants just seem to be getting on with it, whatever the weather ..!

Here’s a gallery of some spring pics – showing some of the up-and-coming plants and animals including EFD kids around the EFD habitat

panda Woaah! No-one told me there’s pandas in East Lothian...!


daffs Gorgeous gorse and daffs at Castle Kennedy as well as gorgeous EFD child and dog too!

wash line Great weather for drying the clothes and getting the EFD kids outdoors!

rock View of Bass Rock, East Lothian

beach Some of the EFD dogs enjoying a fab day at the beach

not our fence Mmm.some "non electified tape" - not ours of course!

whole stable going crackers for an apple The whole stable went crackers over one apple!

cold hat Brrr...  its still cold lucky ive got a hat, mum what about you...?

duckies Ducklings with unidentified object on Whitefield Pond

lowcloud Early morning low cloud over the Campsie Fells

nest Seven wee blue-tit eggs

butt Painted lady chrysalis nearly ready to emerge!

frogspawn Lovely frogspawn ready to be divided between caring EFD homes

camp sheep Sheep on Campsie Fells

den hiden There's a den there somewhere!

hid Can you spot the EFD kids?

glass water Loch Tay waters, as clear a as glass



3 in boat 3 in a boat on lovely Loch Tay near Killin

IMG-20160413-WA0002 Ducks - breaking and entering!

bluebell Bluebell hill in the great south west of Scotland complete with EFD child and dog



WP_20160415_18_21_37_Pro EFD kids practicing how to catch their dinner!