Rabbits 'all out' of the cricket square

An ideal way to keep rabbits off the cricket square!

Cricket Square Kit…!
1 x energiser Gemini 40
1 x earth stake
1 x fit one charge one (ie two 35 amp/hr batteries and a charging unit)
2 x 50m 0.7m super rabbit nets
1 x KV10 tester


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Not being a massive cricket fan... I didn't realise that rabbit was a term used in cricket.

Rabbit - a particularly incompetent batsman, who is invariably a specialist bowler. While most lower order batsmen would be expected to occasionally score some useful runs, a rabbit is expected to be dismissed cheaply almost every time. Another term, ferret, refers to a batsman even worse than a rabbit (named as such because, in the wild, "a ferret goes in after a rabbit.")

You learn something new everyday...