Buying From Electric Fencing Direct

Electric Fencing Direct

We like to think that we are the fountain of knowledge when it comes to electric fencing!  I know... what a strange thing to be proud of!

So with this in mind we wanted to explain about how works to help you get the electric fencing you need for your project.

Novice Electric Fencer

Our team at Electric Fencing Direct have had practical experience with electric fencing - we know how it works and what you will need.

Our fact finding process - We will go through a process with you asking lots of questions about your proposed set up until we get all the information we need to make up a kit.

Here are some of the questions we might ask before we get a kit list set up:

  • How long is your potential electric fence?
  • How many lines of electric fencing will you use?
  • Which animals are you trying to keep out or in?
  • Will you use a battery or mains or solar operated system?
  • Will you have any gateways to consider?
  • How many corners are there?

Kit list - We will then email you a kit list with all the products you will need to create your electric fencing system.  At this stage we may ask further questions and also make comments about the set up.

Order process - Once you and we feel that the kit fits the bill then it is time to talk ordering and the handing over of kit instructions.

Instructions - Sometimes instructions will be taylored to individual set ups or they can be typed up hot off the press directly for you.  Instructions may also be more general and can be applied to your set up.

After sales service -  It doesn't end there...once your kit arrives we are always around to answer any quetsions when it comes to setting the fence up.  Obvioulsy, we wish we could be with you in person to get you up and running, but we hope that our expert advice on the end of the phone will get you through most electric fencing hickups and connundrums.


Expert Electric Fencer

You may, on the other hand, be an expert at electric fencing and just need to brouse our site and add your products to your basket and check out.  Bravo!

Or you maybe looking for a technical part or spares.  If you don't find them listed on line just ask and we'll do our best to get you what you need.


Electric Fencing Direct - Here to Help!

It doesn't matter what end of the electric fencing spectrum you are on... we are here to help you find what you need with the least amount of hassle possible.


We are available -

Here is a link to our online shop - Shop at Electric Fencing Direct


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