Belted Galloways

Native Breeds need support in the UK.  There are so many wonderful breeds - we should be mindful to look after them or some of them could be gone in a generation.

Connie, Joe and I got lucky and in the spring we went to see two lovely little Belted Galloway bullocks.  I have heard since that they have learnt the art of escaping and were found the other side of the river in a neighbour's field.  Time for some electric fencing ...??

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Belted Galloways were featured on Countryfile a few weeks ago ( - and they focused on the herd at Mochrum - a real success story -  Lovely cattle and easy to handle. You can learn more about the White Galloway cattle on this site too -

There are also Red Galloway and Dun Galloway Cattle although the Dun Galloway Cattle are no longer registered.

Get in touch with the society for more info -