Different gate setups


We answer questions regularly on gateways, here are a few examples of different gateway openings for you.

This time of year is when the poaching damage can be done, here are some examples that might help you with this problem.

The Live Gateway

metal gate

As you can see there is rope across the gateway stopping the livestock from pushing through or using it as a scratching post and bending it making it more likely to bounce open.

This means the field is protected from every angle should you have naughty livestock looking for a weak point. You need to make sure the fence does not touch the metal or wooden gate so keep it nice and tight.

If you do not have hard standing in the gate people do tend to fence off the gates so the horses can not get close to them helping preserve this area.

To do this all you need is:

Gate anchors per line 2 are needed 1 for each side of the gateway

Gate handles

Joiners  for every line on a gateway 4 are needed

Running Power Under The Gateway

This gateway is not live, the blue line is lead out cable running under the gate entrance (buried), this means when the gate is opened the fence line power is not broken ( great if you forget to close gates) Some people use plastic piping to run the lead out cable through to avoid the cable being broken should the livestock poach the gateway badly. What will also help is the use of some hard standing around the gateway.

To do this all you need is:

Gate anchors per line 2 are needed 1 for each side of the gateway

Gate handles

Joiners  for every line on a gateway 4 are needed

Lead out cable (available in 10m, 25m, 50m and 100m lengths)

Gateway for Temporary Fencing

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It does not matter if it is a permanent or temporary fence you are using you still need to use the same logic, at each end of the gate you will need a gate anchor ( this is so the gate and fence are acting as 2 separate units)  If you don't separate the gate and the fence every time you open the gate this will happen (see image below)

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Not only is this untidy but if you have any other livestock in the field then you might have free range live stock, when you only planned to take 1 animal out, the fence line will become dirty and with continued use the filaments in the fence will begin to great down.

To do this all you need is:

Gate anchors per line 2 are needed 1 for each side of the gateway

Gate handles

Joiners  for every line on a gateway 4 are needed

2 or 3 Gates At The Same Point


This new 3 way gate anchor

Allows you to have 2 or 3 gate openings off the same post great for strip grazing and filed division.

To do this you will need:

3 way gate anchor

Gate anchors per line only 1 are needed for the non gate handle side

Gate handles

Joiners  for every line on a gateway 4 are needed

For all your Gate way needs check out our gate accessories

Netting Gateway

If you have netting here is a wonderful gate way that will help you get in and out without always getting a zap, also because it has a dock and not a spike every time you open the gate you will not churn up the ground.

The new innovative 'HOT GATE' is a stand alone gate system that can be incorporated into any 1.1m or 1.2m poultry net see the links below. It's so simple.... the 'HOT GATE' simply ties onto the end of the existing net and provides hassle free and quick access - the system consists of:

1 x gate post with out prong that fits into dock (with handle on the top)

1 x double pronged post for dock (with handle on the top)

1 x double pronged post at other side of netting gate

1 x 1.25m close mesh green netting

2 x insulated gate handles - attached to posts at the top

1 x dock

2 x galvanised pegs for dock

6 x tie wraps

Opening Length: 1.25m. Colour: Green.

'Hot Gate' for 1.1m Standard Electric Poultry Netting

'Hot Gate' for 1.2m Premium or Professional Fox Busting Netting

Check out the video https://youtu.be/Lhb7DIpYFlg

If you need to contact us about anything:

Call: 01620 860058


Email: [email protected]

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